Community Investment Grant Program
The Port of Los Angeles Community Investment Grant Program creates funding opportunities for community events, programs and projects that benefit surrounding harbor communities and promote the goals of the Los Angeles Harbor Department. The Port's goal is to partner with non-profit organizations that have similar interests and goals, creating mutually supportive relationships.
Funds come from the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department’s annual budget, which is entirely self-supported from shipping and lease revenues, not taxpayers. The overall program funds, as well as its component categories, vary each fiscal year. There is no guarantee that funds allocated in any one fiscal year will be the same as another – either for the overall program, component categories or successful applicants.
Grant applicants must reapply each fiscal year. Applicants must represent nonprofit organizations, tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), and provide documentation of their exempt status at the time of application.
The grant application period for FY 2025/26 is now open.
Grant recipients for FY 2024/25 are listed below, in alphabetical order.
The Port is now accepting grant applications for FY 25/26
Grants Workshop
The Port of Los Angeles will hold a virtual workshop for interested applicants.
Meeting info: 6 p.m. Pacific, Wednesday, Feb. 19.
click to join meeting
Meeting info: 6 p.m. Pacific, Wednesday, Feb. 19.
Instructions and Application
Complete the grant application and all supporting documentation–including detailed budget and nonprofit status–and email to
Deadline: 4 p.m. Pacific, Monday, March 24.
download application
Deadline: 4 p.m. Pacific, Monday, March 24.
Program Overview
Grant proposals must be Tidelands Public Trust-compliant and clearly show a nexus and benefit between the proposal and Tidelands Public Trust.
learn more
Sample Agreement
A grant agreement is between the City of Los Angeles, acting by and through the Executive Director of the Harbor Department, and the selected non-profit/public benefit organization.
view sample agreement
FY 24/25 Grant Recipients