Habitat conditions and marine biological communities in the San Pedro Bay port complex have been documented since the early 1950s.
The first comprehensive surveys of biological, physical, and chemical conditions in the harbors were conducted by the Harbors Environmental Project of the University of Southern California between 1971 and 1978 to document existing conditions and evaluate impacts associated with dredging and planned expansion of the two ports.
Several subsequent studies were conducted during the 1980s and 1990s; however, these studies focused on each port separately.
In 2000, the Port of Los Angeles teamed with the Port of Long Beach to undertake comprehensive biological surveys of the entire San Pedro Bay port complex, covering both Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors. Additional surveys were performed in 2008, 2013-2014 and 2018. 
As part of ongoing efforts to promote a deeper understanding of these diverse habitats, the Port of Los Angeles has created an LA Harbor Habitats educational website, which showcases the abundant marine life thriving above and below Port waterways and details findings gleaned from the biological surveys. 
You can download the results of the surveys and accompanying brochures below. For more information, call the Environmental Management Division at (310) 732-3675.

Survey Reports

These comprehensive biological surveys evaluate the area’s physical and ecological characteristics, including surveys of kelp, eelgrass, plankton, fish, benthic animals, and marine birds and mammals. The surveys also address seasonal variations, the presence of invasive species and compare the ecological characteristics of various types of habitats found in different areas of the Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors. The information from these surveys has been used in numerous environmental documents and for biological mitigation planning related to port development projects.

2018 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

2018 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

The fourth comprehensive biological survey jointly conducted by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 
2013-2014 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

2013-2014 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

The third comprehensive biological survey jointly conducted by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 
2008 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

2008 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

The second comprehensive biological survey jointly conducted by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 
2000 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

2000 Biological Survey of Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbors

The first comprehensive biological survey jointly conducted by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 


To inform the public about the results of these surveys, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have published reports and illustrated publications of the marine environment in Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors, which demonstrate how natural resources have improved over the decades as a result of the successes of the ports' environmental protection efforts. 

San Pedro Bay: A Look Beneath the Surface Harbor Habitat Update (Describing the 2018 Biological Surveys)

San Pedro Bay: A Look Beneath the Surface (Describing the 2018 Biological Surveys)

This publication offers a glimpse of the active harbor habitat that lives above and below the waters at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 
Harbor Habitat Update (Describing the 2013 Biological Surveys)

Harbor Habitat Update (Describing the 2013 Biological Surveys)

This trifold pamphlet provides a brief summary of the 2013 biological surveys and provides some comparisons to past surveys.
Harbor Habitat Update (Describing the 2008 Biological Surveys)

Harbor Habitat Update (Describing the 2008 Biological Surveys)

This publication presents the marine environment of Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor as it existed in 2008 and describes how that environment and its natural resources have improved over the decades as a result of the successes of environmental protection efforts.

Interactive Story Maps

These interactive story maps were designed to complement the "San Pedro Bay: A Look Beneath the Surface" publication. Take a virtual dive into Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors.

How do we sample harbor habitats?

How do we sample harbor habitats?

Using tools to find what lives below the surface.
Port Habitats

Port Habitats: What makes them diverse?

Explore San Pedro Bay, containing the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, a unique embayment in Southern California.
Dynamic Environments

Dynamic Environments

Discover the cycles and rhythms of the San Pedro Bay.