The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners, also referred to as the Los Angeles Harbor Commission, oversees the management and operation of the Port of Los Angeles. All Port operations are managed by the Board in accordance with the Public Trust Doctrine to promote maritime, commerce, navigation, fisheries, and public access to the waterfront. The Board is comprised of five members, all volunteers, who are appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles and confirmed by the Los Angeles City Council.
Addressing the Board
Members of the public are given the opportunity to address the Board on items of interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board by attending a Board of Harbor Commissioners meeting and filling out a speaker card. The Board's jurisdiction is limited to the Harbor District, which it manages in accordance with the Public Trust Doctrine to promote maritime, commerce, navigation, fisheries and public access to the waterfront.
Agendas and Videos
Watch Board meetings online via live webcast. View the agenda (and live webcast link when available) for the next Board meeting, in addition to archived agendas, minutes, and videos of Board meetings. Board meetings also air on CityView Channel 35. To listen to live audio of Board meetings via CouncilPhone, call into any of the local numbers below (within city limits).
310-547-2489 (L.A. Harbor)
213-621-2489 (Downtown L.A.)
818-904-9450 (San Fernando Valley)
310-471-2489 (West L.A.)
213-621-2489 (Downtown L.A.)
818-904-9450 (San Fernando Valley)
310-471-2489 (West L.A.)
Board Committees
The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners creates committees and appoints members to committees by resolution. Committees may be standing multi-jurisdictional committees, standing committees of the board to address operational issues of the department, or ad hoc committees appointed to address short-term issues, such as leasing policies.
Board Members
The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners oversees the management and operation of the Port of Los Angeles. Harbor commissioners are appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles and confirmed by the Los Angeles City Council. They serve five-year terms and elections are typically held every July for the offices of president and vice president. All five members of the Harbor Commission are volunteers.
Board Meeting Schedule
Regular meetings of the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners are scheduled twice monthly on Thursdays at 10 a.m. in the Board Hearing Room of the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building, or at Banning's Landing Community Center in Wilmington. Any change in time or location to a meeting shown on the 2024 Board Meeting Schedule, or any meetings added to this schedule, may be designated as special meetings.