Virtual Public Hearing on March 23;
Public Comment Period from March 23-April 22

SAN PEDRO, Calif. – March 11, 2022 – The Port of Los Angeles will hold a virtual public hearing and extend the public comment period for the Berths 148-151 (Phillips 66) Marine Oil Terminal and Wharf Improvement Project Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND).
The primary objective of the proposed project is to ensure the marine oil terminal at Berths 148-151, operated by Phillips 66, complies with Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards (MOTEMS) to protect public health, safety, and the environment. As part of the proposed project, the timber wharf at Berths 150-151 would be replaced with a new concrete wharf and associated equipment to comply with MOTEMS seismic and safety standards, including temporary improvements and utilization of Berths 148-149 during construction. The proposed project also includes consideration of a new 20-year entitlement (with two potential 10-year additional options) to Phillips 66 for continued operations at Berths 148-151.
The Draft IS/MND is available for review on the Port of Los Angeles website at portoflosangeles.org/ceqa. The Draft IS/MND is intended to notify the public that the Port has performed an analysis of the proposed project and has determined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment with the incorporation of the mitigation measures described in the document.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Port released a Draft IS/MND for the Marine Oil Terminal and Wharf Improvement Project on Nov. 18, 2021 for a 30-day public review period. At the request of commenters, the public review period was extended twice through February 18, 2022. 
The Port will hold a virtual public hearing for the Marine Oil Terminal and Wharf Improvements Project on Wednesday, March 23 at 5 p.m.  At the public hearing, proposed project elements will be described and clarified. After the presentation, the public will have an opportunity to present verbal comments. After the meeting, the Port will accept additional written comments during a 30-day public comment period through Friday, April 22, 2022. 
The virtual public hearing will be held via Zoom. No registration is required. Simultaneous Spanish translation services will be provided.
Written comments on the IS/MND may be submitted via email to ceqacomments@portla.org or to the following address during the extended public review period, from March 23 through April 22, 2022:
Christopher Cannon, Director of Environmental Management
Los Angeles Harbor Department
425 South Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Comment letters sent via email should include the Project title “Berths 148-151 (Phillips 66) Marine Oil Terminal and Wharf Improvement Project” in the email subject line and the commenter’s physical mailing address in the body of the email.
For more information, visit portoflosangeles.org/ceqa, or email Zoe Irish with the Port of Los Angeles Environmental Management Division at zirish@portla.org.