Harbor Commission to Consider Certification on October 8


SAN PEDRO, Calif. — September 5, 2019 — The Port of Los Angeles has released the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the Berths 97-109 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Project. The Los Angeles Harbor Commission will consider certification of the Final SEIR at a special meeting at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, October 8th. The meeting will be held at the Port’s administration building, 425 S. Palos Verdes St. in San Pedro.
A link to the Final SEIR can be found here. Go to “Projects Under Environmental Review: Public Review Period Closed,” then scroll to “Berths 97-109 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Project.”
“When I became Executive Director of the Port of Los Angeles, staff brought to my attention the languishing compliance with the 2008 China Shipping expansion Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and associated mitigation measures,” Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka wrote in a letter released today to stakeholders. “With a focus on remaining solutions-oriented, I also immediately directed staff to begin a supplemental environmental impact report (SEIR) to bring about legal compliance and to ensure that we fulfill our obligations for the Berth 97 – 109 Container Terminal under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
“After several years of required reassessment of the feasibility and necessity for each of the measures that were not implemented, including responses to many important comments from the public, we are now ready to present a Final SEIR to our Board of Harbor Commissioners (Board) for consideration,” Seroka stated in the letter.
An overview of the SEIR was presented at today’s Harbor Commission meeting. Here is a link to the video overview and also a link to the slide presentation.
The Final SEIR includes responses to comments on the Recirculated Draft SEIR, as well as changes made to the document.  In accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 21092.5, written responses to comments received by public agencies have been provided to those agencies at least 10 days prior to the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioner’s consideration of whether to certify the Final SEIR.